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On the process of writing The Christians: Earth’s Cry, Heaven’s Smile, An interview with Tony Giostus

We’re speaking with Tony Giotsus about his screenplay for The Christians: Earth’s Cry, Heaven’s Smile. This is the tale of a good Christian who loses his way and then seeks redemption. We learn a great deal about various martyrs here, and the story is a warning against the trappings of worldly goods. Thank you for answering some questions for us.


Chris McClure, UniversalCinema Magazine (UM): First, could you tell us about the inspiration for this story?

Tony Giotsus (TG): Several inspirations including the 21 Coptics who were martyred as well as any martyr and their enormous faith! But also other EPIC movies like Braveheart/It’s a wonderful life that show a full life of the main character. But many other inspirations like science/engineering/sports/hospitality industry/etc.

and  I noticed that the protagonist’s last name was similar to your own. Was there a true life Christos?
Yes, it is myself. Most of the movie until he goes to Eygpt is a true story based on my own life. After going to Egypt the story then is not true but based on the 21, and other martyrs I “melted” into the story.


(UM): Could you tell us about yourself and how you became interested in screenwriting?

(TG): Well, I wrote this over a 7 year period. I had dreams throughout my life of writing a book or screenplay but when the 21 were killed, the holy spirit kind of “pushed” me into creating this screenplay. I am not ever writing another screenplay or book. I have had a tremendous job my entire life. This was different because of the holy spirit.


(UM): How did you chose which martyrs to depict in The Christians: Earth’s Cry, Heaven’s Smile?

(TG): Tremendous question!! This was much of my 7 year period. Studying inside and out the various martyrs through history. I chose these because their stories were validated, they were a diverse group (male, female, black, white, latino, asian), various time periods of existence, etc. The 21 were the impetuous of creating this screenplay, so they were the first choice.


(UM): Were the guards supposed to have written 666 on the wall of Christos’ cell?

(TG): I actually had Christos writing it, but the guards could do it too and I think it makes it better!!! great suggestion


(UM): Are you planning on producing the script? If so, how far along is the project?

(TG): I simply want to get this made into an Epic. I am not producing this myself or funding it. I want to help this get made into a great movie however. So currently, nothing on the production front.


(UM): What do you think most distracted Christos from his path as a Christian? Was it money? The feeling of success? The feeling that he’s like God because he can control time with his programming?

(TG): A little of all of them but really it was the time link that made him believe he was like God and that led him to lose his way. That is also when his wife first noticed the change as well.


(UM): The turn towards the Coptic Christian community in Egypt was a bit of a surprise. How did you pick the Copts as a subject?

(TG): as I detailed above, it was the actual event that inspired the making of this movie. I then figured out a way to integrate it into the story of Christos.


(UM): I noticed that you’re credited for ‘story by’ and that you have a co-writer, Linda M. Wright. Could you tell us about the writing process?

(TG): I developed the “screenplay” by writing a powerpoint slide for each scene. The powerpoint slides had dialog, images and even music. I knew I needed a screenplay in “proper” format. I searched several Christian film groups on facebook and found Linda. She wrote the synopsis for me which I liked. I then had her turn my powerpoint slides into the screenplay. I gave her credit for the writing even though she never asked for it.



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